Oral Care Importance During Invisalign Treatment

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Oral care is essential to everyone, but it is significantly more important if you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment. Food residues or debris could get trapped easily in your mouth if the proper care is not taken when wearing your clear aligners. Also, food residues, if not washed away, could also damage or stain your aligners, making it harder for you to achieve your goal of having a healthy and beautiful smile.

Here at Centre Dentaire Saint-Lambert, we highly recommend that you diligently follow a proper oral hygiene routine to prevent any dental problems and avoid oral complications.

When food particles are caught near or on tooth surfaces due to poor oral hygiene, the residues can stick to your Invisalign trays too, and can lead to plaque formation. As the bacteria in plaque absorbs sugar from your food, it increases the production of acid in your mouth, which causes gum irritation and teeth erosion. Dental cavities, gum disease, and halitosis could eventually happen.

Keeping plaque under control through proper brushing and flossing of teeth, as well as maintaining aligners clean and in good shape will prevent dental problems. Oral care is important in general and more specifically if undergoing Invisalign or other forms of orthodontic treatments.

If you have any questions on oral care while wearing Invisalign aligners, please contact our dental team in Saint-Lambert. We hope to help you with your oral concerns!

-Centre Dentaire Saint-Lambert Team

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